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Plenty of opportunities to show your support...


Sponsoring our team or kart(s) is a great way to get exposure for your company or business.  Karting is a very tight community... and any business or organization that sponsors a karter is very well received and supported in the karting world.  In addition to exposure at races, options to have your logo on our trailer exposes your business to thousands of drivers every weekend who will see our trailer going from race to race on the interstates and routes across the region.  Keep in mind while your clients may or may not live around the tracks... the odds are they or their spectators live in your target area.  And the kid's classes are some of the most popular, so you will not only reach them, but their parents, aunts/uncles/cousins, friends, classmates, etc.  Most karting families are high net worth and not only live in the Carolinas, but also work at Fortune 500 companies in the region.

The exposure potential is huge... and that doesn't even factor in the support you will receive from us off of the track through our corporate and personal networks!!

We offer yearly sponsorships, single race sponsorships, part sponsorships (example, tires for a season), or custom sponsorship options.  Want to come to a race and simply cover the race fee?  Awesome! Seriously... every little bit helps.


Options for exposure include decals on the karts, helmets, trailer/box truck, logos on our racing suits, and even marketing collateral and/or samples (great for food businesses!) in our tents on race days.  Oh, and don't forget social media which offers the potential to reach thousands more!!


Be sure to reach out to us to discuss any and all options.  We'd love to have you on-board!!


Supporter Options:

Fuel Support:  $50

Single Race Support:  $75

Vinyl Support:  $100 (your logo on the kart)

Maintenance Support:  $125

National Race Support:  $200 (per event)

Tire Support:  $225 (per set)


Sponsorship Options:

Gold:  $100 per race event (Track championship / up to 8 races available)
Platinum:  $250 per race event (Sponsor championship / up to 6 races available)
Titanium: $500 per race event (National events / up to 3 races available)

© 2014 - 2016  DCX Motorsports

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